Tag Archives: Motivation

5 ways to Manage Anxiety with Allah’s Help

*Trigger warning

I can say with certainty that anxiety robs us of today’s joy and peace of mind. We will never get back what we lose to its agonizing claws. I say we owe it to ourselves to live a fulfilling life. One that enables us to use our talents and accomplish our goals with ease. That is why I’ve put together a step-by-step plan to help armour ourselves.

Please note, the methods mentioned below are based on my personal experience and are by no means certified by a healthcare professional.

First off, creating an awareness is crucial. We need to understand what anxiety is and familiarize ourselves with its symptoms. It is defined as an emotional state where people feel worry, fear or uneasiness about events that they cannot control or predict, or events that seem threatening or dangerous. It’s normal for every individual to experience anxiety at some point in their life. If you feel like its paralyzing and you have no control over it then this post is for you. Let’s begin with the name of Allah,


1. Identify your triggers

 Notice when the symptoms creep up and make a note of it. Where are you? – The environment you’re in plays a role too. Who are you with? What are they saying? Take note of the emotions and thoughts that come up. Knowing when it is at its strongest will help us get to the root of it and thus treat or prevent it.

Keep in mind that sometimes we expose ourselves to things that may contribute to our anxiety. Everything we see, hear, eat etc stores in our subconscious. Try to limit your exposure to social media, TV shows, music, toxic people etc as they may contribute to feelings of anxiety and restlessness.

“When a thing disturbs the peace of your heart, give it up” – Prophet Muhammad (saw).

2. Positive affirmations

 Anxiety and panic attacks leave us feeling paralysed. We need words that are powerful enough to calm us and to bring us out of the spiral of hopelessness. For this I would suggest adopting a Quranic verse.

My favourite is,

        رَبِّ إِنِّى لِمَآ أَنزَلۡتَ إِلَىَّ مِنۡ خَيرٍ فَقِيرٌ۬

“My Lord, I am in absolute need of the good you send me.” [28:24]

I read this du’a/ayah in times of overwhelming distress and I am always given relief in some way; whether through a friend reaching out, hearing good news or a change in perspective. SubhanAllah!

You could choose any verse that fits your situation and/or one you connect with. Memorize with the translation and Insha’Allah it will resurface at the time of need. The same goes with the 99 names of Allah – His divine qualities are a simple reminder that we’re in the BEST HANDS. Learn it along with the translation and repeat it to help calm you and keep you grounded.

3. Fall into Sujood

It is no secret that prostration brings us into a state of calm. We are closest to Allah (swt) during sujood. Take this time to speak to your Creator – He knows you better than anyone. He knows your deepest thoughts, fears and worries. In His hands lie your yesterday, today and tomorrow. Allah loves those who turn to Him. Building a connection with Allah (swt) is empowering. Do not be shy or embarrassed, take Him as your confidant and ask of Him with conviction. He is the Lord of the worlds… Nothing is impossible for Him. Having complete trust in Him lifts the weight of worry.

وَتَوَكَّلۡ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ‌ۚ وَكَفَىٰ بِٱللَّهِ وَكِيلاً

“And place your trust in Allah, Allah is enough as a disposer of affairs” [33:3]

4. Love yourself

Anxiety and depression leave us vulnerable to the negative whispers of Shaytaan. He would never give up the opportunity to crush the spirit of a believer. To this I say you must love yourself to shield yourself. Make a list of all your good qualities, accomplishments and all the ways you would like to improve. Begin to love and accept everything that you are and everything that you are not. Remember that you are perfect in your own, unique way.

Recognize your capabilities and thank Allah (swt). Remember that “Allah (swt) does not burden a soul with more than it can bear.” [2:286]. You have within you, the ability to deal with whatever you are being tested with. More importantly, have faith in His ability to help you.

إِنَّ مَعِىَ رَبِّى سَيَہۡدِينِ

“Verily with me is my Lord. He will guide me.” [26:62]

One of the most gripping moments of Islamic History. When Musa (AS) stood with his staff; the sea in front of him, his people behind him and the army of Fir’oun gaining on him, these are the words he said. A test of faith. No mind could have imagined what was going to happen next. A way out seemed impossible yet the level of faith was unshakeable. “Verily with me is my Lord. He will guide me.” And as we know Allah (swt) commanded Musa (AS) to strike the sea with his staff and the sea split so Musa (AS) and his people could pass through safely. SubhanAllah. Let the enormity of that moment sink in. The Lord of Musa (AS) is our Lord too.

5. Let it out

Being stuck with our anxious thoughts and feelings can be frustrating. If we hold on to it and allow it to pile up, we’re going to be irritable and may even snap at the people around us (which is unfair to them). Here are my suggestions:

  • Cry it out. If you find it difficult to let the tears roll, one sure way is to immerse yourself in the recitation of the Quran. Read along with your favourite Imam or Qari and allow your heart to melt and emotions to flow. This one is my favourite and I always feel better after. The Quran is a cure after all, Alhamdulilah!
  • Keep a journal. Choose a time that allows you to recall your day and write down anything and everything that comes to mind. It doesn’t need to make sense, just allow your feelings to spill on to the page. You will find yourself feeling lighter and happier.
  • Speak to someone you trust. Sometimes we need fresh perspective. Other times we need someone who acknowledges what we’re going through without judgement.
  • Exercise. It is a great way to burn off anxious energy. It also releases endorphins “the feel-good hormones” which is a plus! Exercise also assists in a better night’s sleep.

I know it can be overwhelming and difficult. Anxiety can leave you feeling isolated. Sometimes it feels like there’s a war in your head that no one can see. I’m here to say it will be okay. Keep fighting. Work with a mental health professional to get to the root of your triggers so that you may begin to treat it. Take time out for yourself. Breathe more. One thing is for sure… better days await.